Resources from the Art World

The proposed activities presuppose a relationship between ethics and aesthetics. We have taken this relationship as a framework for reflection through observation of and dialogue about pictorial works. As a form of knowledge, art provides us with access to the meaning of complex concepts and problems through perception, imagination and empathy.
On the other hand, art is an intercultural language and it can be dealt with in an interdisciplinary manner.
As will be seen, this work does not strive to be exhaustive, but it does seek to serve as an interdisciplinary guide to the fundamental idea and the types of exercises and activities proposed. That is to say, the exercises and works presented do not comprise a fixed body of materials; rather the educator may add to and enrich them, creating his or her own exercises and proposing other works which are more suitable to the specific environment, or more easily available.
We propose observing a number of images which have been handed down to us by the history of painting and which serve as a starting point for environmental reflection.
If we bear in mind that other paintings may be used and that the exercises serve as a model for manifold application, the possibilities for the proposed activities multiply.