7. Fish

Over 70% of the world population lives at a distance of less than 80km from the sea. For this reason many people’s diets are composed mainly of fish. Overfishing, which does not allow species to reproduce, and water pollution are great dangers to fish and human beings.

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Detecting ambiguities. Some words have different meanings in the same context. The word "good" is of these kind of words. They are so important in ethics that students should distinguish their different meanings.
Each pair of sentences contains different meanings of the word good . Can you say what it means in each sentence?
1a. I think that fish is a good food because it contains mineral salts
1b. He brought a good quantity of bait to fish the whole day.
2a. The day was very good for fishing.
2b. Fishermen catch fish and sell them as goods.
3a. I don’t think it is good to catch baby fish.
3b. Because of pollution, the water was not in good condition.
4a. He is a good fisherman.
4b. This fisherman is a good person.
5a. Give me a good reason to buy fish.
5b. They had good fishing because they had good nets.
Music. Listen to The Trout Quintet by Franz Schubert.
Painting. Other paintings:
- Bernardus Johannes. Blommers, 1845-1914. The Homecoming.
Reading. Story: The Sea Monster.
Find out. What is the value of fish in a healthy and high quality diet?
Exercise. Reasoning about fish, in Wondering at the World 6.4.2

© Grup IREF 2003, with the support of the European Commission, DG XXII (Socrates/Comenius 3.2) [ print ]

 1. Water
 2. Water cycle
Water is essential for life
 4. Sea
 5. Rivers
 6. The rain
 7. Fish
Water, a resource in danger
 9. Saving water
Life near the sea, life inland