4. The atmosphere |
The atmosphere is a layer
of gases that surrounds the Earth. Beyond this layer is
the stratosphere, and the rest of the planets that make
up the solar system, all of which form part of the Milky
Way, one of the innumerable galaxies in the universe.
The atmosphere has a very important role in the warming of the earth
and, therefore, in the maintenance of life. If it weren’t for
the atmosphere, the temperature of the Earth would be about -22º
C (-7.6º F).
It is the lowest atmospheric layer, that which touches the Earth’s
surface, where the problem of pollution is greatest, because it receives
directly the polluting substances from human activities.
[ enlarge image ] |
Questioning. Asking questions forms part
of philosophical dialogue and any research process. For example,
we ask questions when we wish to know the meaning of something
that has been said, or when we face a problematic situation that
we want to resolve. |
The teacher or other qualified person
should prepare a loose script to perform so that
the students can ask questions during the performance.
Prepare enough strips of paper to cover the whole
class. Each strip has a question that contributes
to establish a dialogue. Put the strips in a box
and have each student take one. Each student is
responsible for asking his or her question at the
point that he or she believes is appropriate. (This
may also include role-playing, with an “important
scientist” visiting the class and the student
interviewing him or her as if it were a TV interview.)
Possible questions: |
1. |
What is your basis for claiming, etc.? |
2. |
Could your statement be wrong? |
3. |
How have you arrived at this conclusion? |
4. |
Could you describe your thought process here? |
5. |
Are there other ways of looking at this issue,
problem, etc.? |
6. |
What other opinions are there,
besides yours? |
7. |
What do you mean when you use the word.........? |
8. |
What could make you change your opinion? |
9. |
What relationship is there between what you’re
saying now and what you said before? |
10. |
What would happen if............? |
Music. Listen to: Moonlight Serenade
by Miller-Parrish. Imagine this piece of music is about a night. How
do you see the night: starry, cloudy, with a gentle breeze, just before
a storm? |
Research. We know that the
atmosphere exists even though we don’t see it. But if you research
the meaning of the expression "atmospheric pressure" used
by meteorologists, you will learn about its existence and importance. |
© Grup IREF 2003, with the support of the European Commission, DG XXII (Socrates/Comenius 3.2) |
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